Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Keep your practice website up-to-date and attractive…

and if your office does not have a website, invest in having one developed as soon as possible. More potential patients than ever before are searching the web for a dental practice in which they can receive quality treatment plus above-the-norm personal care that lead to a long term trusting relationship. In other words the new patient is seeking a cutting edge practice with a variety of the latest and best treatment options available, and he/she is likely to look for that information on an attractive website.

Your website may include biographical sketches about the dentist and staff members, details about the practice such as appointment hours, location, service mix including any specific treatment procedures offered, and educational information that lets new patients know your practice is committed to helping them achieve and maintain optimal oral health. Many other features can be part of your website, depending on the variety of options available from your website developer.

Once the website is active, be sure to include your web address on all practice paperwork, including business cards used by the dentist and staff. Mention it in your telephone on-hold messages. List it in the telephone yellow pages or any other advertisements published for the practice. Make certain your website is one to be proud of and then let patients and potential patients know how to find your practice via the web.

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