Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Awaiting PERFECT circumstances and conditions translates to being stuck in the proverbial mud.  Perfect never happens.  One must learn to move out and move on into the acceptable, the good realm, ready to make a realistic effort, instead of waiting for a
state of perfection.  Thoughts from a small daily devotional book I read illustrate the point.

Instead of saying, “It’s not my job,” say “I’ll be glad to take that responsibility.”
Instead of saying, “We’ve never done that before,” say “We have the opportunity to be first.
Instead of saying, “There’s not enough time,” say “We’ll change how we work.”
Instead of saying, “We’re under-staffed,” say “We’re a lean, hungry team.”
Instead of saying, “It’ll never get any better,” say “We’ll try one more time.”
Instead of saying, “I can’t,” say “By God’s grace, I can!”

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