Wednesday, March 28, 2012


As I write this on February 29, 2012, leap year comes to mind.  When and where did it originate?  Julius Caesar, Emperor of Rome, b. 100 B.C. – d. 44 B.C., is credited with introducing a calendar in 46 B.C. based on a year of 365 ¼ days.  By 1582, Pope Gregory XIII put the world on a more organized basis with the Gregorian calendar which designated every fourth year as “leap year” in which the four accumulated ¼ days were used to create one extra day, February 29.  Just think, if one were born on February 29 of a leap year, one would have an official birthday every four years---hmmm---at a certain age, that might be an advantage!!   : )     : )     : )

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Including commuting time, your job takes up about 9 or 10 hours of your day.  Another 8 or 9 hours are occupied with sleeping, eating, dressing and personal grooming.  This leaves only 5 to 7 hours daily for your family, hobbies, cooking, cleaning, shopping, e-mail and other computer tasks, religious services or study, quiet time---activities necessary to assure a home that functions well with strong familial relationships and mental health, peace of mind and self growth for you and other family members.  Read Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 for a beautiful perspective on time.  And then ask yourself: “How do I structure my time? prioritize my days? my weeks? my life?  Remember we are all allotted the same amount of time.  The difference between high achievers and those who seem to dawdle is often the way in which the individual decides to spend his or her time.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


            Thanks to you, our customers who buy SmileGoods toothbrushes, Practicon has been able to pay complete costs for two water wells in Guatemala through causelife,  (, an organization with the goal of providing 1000 clean water wells for one million people worldwide.  A portion of all SmileGoods toothbrush sales goes to causelife.
            In the past year Practicon supplied customers with 72,616,000 additional pages of innovative, money-saving and money-generating products by mailing 185,000 additional catalogs across the U.S. and in other countries.
            The need for additional pages/catalogs was generated by the launch of 514 new products within the last year for use in your dental office to help you and your staff better serve your patients.  A number of these products were designed by you, our customers, who trust us to bring your ideas and prototypes to market.  What a compliment you pay us with your trust.  Rest assured that we will always honor the confidence you place in us.