Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Many practitioners tell me they have experienced a decline in production during the last half of 2012 and into 2013.  Though it is little consolation, rest assured the problem is widespread; it is not your practice alone that has taken a hit. 
The two reasons most often given for the decline:
            Patient acceptance of treatment is down due to a variety of economic factors with           which we all  are familiar.
            Many people are losing their dental insurance which has been a benefit of their             employment.  Either they have been laid off or their employer has had to drop     that benefit in lieu of increased costs in business expenses and declining profit.
What’s the answer?  There is not a single simple solution; rather several actions to try, including:
            Analyze all costs and cut expenses every place possible.  A dollar saved goes     directly to the bottom line as improved profit.
            Increase marketing efforts, for example, an updated web site, a new practice        brochure, more visibility community-wide through educational efforts, charity           dentistry, and participation by the doctor and staff in community activities.
            Open a satellite office after careful analysis of location and demographics.
            Strengthen the Recare System.  A realistic goal is 70% to 80% of active patients returning regularly.
            Adjust fees at least annually to keep pace with inflation and rising costs.
            Comb the files for patients who have dropped between the proverbial cracks, and           contact them with a reminder of needed treatment and an offer of a choice             appointment time
            Ramp up “customer” service so that everyone in the office focuses on providing extraordinary attention, friendliness, and care for every patient at every       appointment.
These and many other ideas used in combination will help to combat the decline so many offices are experiencing.

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