Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Recently a short essay in a book I read daily spoke volumes to my mind and heart.  Consider this:
 “Yesterday is a cancelled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is all you have.  Yesterday was for learning; tomorrow will bring consequences of what I do today.  Today I will face life with the conviction that this day will never return, that it may be the last opportunity I’ll have to contribute because there’s no guarantee I’ll see tomorrow.  Today I will be courageous enough not to let opportunity pass me by; my only alternative will be to succeed.  Today I will invest my most valuable resource, my time, into my most important possession, the life God has given me.  I’ll spend each minute purposely, making today a unique opportunity.  Today I will resist doubt and pessimism and warm my world with a smile.  I’ll maintain a strong faith, expect nothing but the best, take time to be happy, see every task as an opportunity to honor our Creator and endeavor to leave love in the hearts of those I meet.  John Boykin wrote, ‘Time is your life---nothing more, nothing less.  The way you spend your hours and your days is the way you spend your life.’”

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