Monday, October 12, 2015


Answer:  Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD) is dental care based on clinical decisions made with full access to current scientific research with the sources, articles, and reports available to support those decisions.  EBD is an invaluable tool for every practicing dentist willing to take the time to access a website that contains the latest in dental research written in plain language so that even patients can understand the rationale behind their own treatment plan.  The most current dental research is presented as scientific summaries a dentist may use in clinical decision making and in answering patients’ questions about everything from treatment modalities to the choice of electric vs manual toothbrushes.  One might compare the research articles presented online as Cliff Notes for current dental science.

The American Dental Association has established the ADA Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry with a website,, through which dentists can quickly access the latest scientific evidence to act as a basis for his/her clinical decision making.  Evidence from the website gives a dentist an opportunity to confirm to patients that recommended treatment options are based in science.  Additionally, dentists can print out plain-language summaries of scientific research articles and reports to give to patients to answer questions and confirm plans for their treatment.

Busy practicing dentists have limited time to keep up with the latest in dental research and studies.  The ADA Center for EBD makes it easy and convenient for a dentist to do just that.  In addition to maintaining the website with current dental research information, the ADA hosts a Champions Conference in conjunction with the ADA annual meeting.  Conference attendees learn how to effectively use the EBD website and the value of EBD as it is applied to clinical decision making.  The Champions Conference for 2015 is November 3-4 in Washington, D.C., preceding the ADA 2015-America’s Dental Meeting.  For more information or to register for the Champions Conference, visit

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