Monday, March 12, 2018


Marketing ideas abound. Suggestions to attract new patients appear monthly in almost every dental periodical. As one reads the volume of material on marketing, the contrast becomes obvious. One expert focuses exclusively on a wow-factor website as the only way to grow a practice. The appeal of written material sent by USPS (snail mail) is touted by other marketing professionals; in contrast, others state that potential patients will read only electronic mail. Some PR professionals advise use of local TV, radio, and even movie theater screens to advertise a practice. Others recommend marketing methods that are less glaring such as patient thank-you-for-referrals gifts, patient contests, social media postings, continuing education seminars on oral health for teachers and other health care professionals and so on.

While several marketing ideas may prove effective (and expensive), there is an often-overlooked idea that has proven successful and free of cost: Simply ask! Ask current patients who are ideal—they keep appointments, accept recommended treatment, pay their bills on time, and are pleasant, even fun, during each appointment. In other words, they are Premier Patients. As a premier patient checks out, the dentist or a staff member should say, "Mrs. Smith, we are [emphasis here] seeing new patients. If you have family or friends looking for a dental home, please tell them about our office. We welcome new patients, especially those as nice as you." Some version of such a message alerts patients to the fact that although your office may seem busy when they come for an appointment, you have plenty of room in your schedule for new patients.

This simple request, sincerely stated to your choice patients, can be as effective a marketing tool as many more complex, costly ideas. And it is free! Discuss the idea with team members so that everyone feels positive about the effort. Ideally, the team will decide each day during the morning huddle which member will speak to which patient. And the ones to whom the dentist will give the invitation should be designated also so that the message is not repeated.

Left to ponder the most effective marketing methods, the dentist may also wonder just how much money to put into marketing efforts. Answer: as a rule of thumb, 2% to 5% of annual net collections can be spent cost effectively on marketing a dental practice. For example, if your net collections were $900,000 in 2017, you might budget between $18,000 and $45,000 for marketing in 2018. With a definite figure in mind, it becomes easier to choose which marketing tools you will choose for the coming year. And when you are planning your marketing program for 2018, consider including the "freebie" method of simply asking.

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