Monday, April 16, 2018


Unavoidable fact: Your dental team is an essential part or your practice.

Additional fact: The team can be a major plus, an annoying negative, or a by-the-way neutral that operates in automatic, participating in the mechanics of each work day but adding little joie de vivre, pleasure, or enjoyment to your office.

The most successful practices with which I have worked during my 38 years of management consulting are those in which staff members know beyond any doubt that the dentist believes, “You work with me, not for me. You are important here and your ideas and opinions matter.”  The dentist(s) in these offices actively seek and value input from their team members, occasionally using surveys like the one below to elicit staff members’ opinions and suggestions.

Of course, an aura of trust between the dentist and team members must be in place before answers to this type of survey will be open, honest, and productive. Build trust by demonstrating confidence in your team members. Seek their input and implement their ideas when possible, and your team will become the major plus you would like it to be.

Questions About Our Practice and My Work Here

What do I like best about our practice?

What do I like least?

What one or two things about our practice would I change?

Name three positive things that happened in the office this week.

What in the office made me feel stressed recently?

What did we do this week that was unnecessary?

What wasted money, time, or energy this week?

Were there any misunderstandings among team members this week? What would have prevented that situation?

Did we hear any complaints from patients this week? Why? What’s the fix?

What took too long this week?

What is the top priority for our practice?

What is top priority for me as part of our dental team?

What do I need to help me do a better job?

What do I tell people when I want to brag about our office?

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