Monday, October 15, 2018



Human resources professionals agree that many employees who might well turn out to be long-term, productive, loyal team members are being lost due to the sink-or-swim way in which they are brought into the work situation.

We in dentistry are often so pressed to bring a new team member up to speed quickly that we don't consider the individual's need for training, professional development, and a feeling of growth as a team member. Both new employees and seasoned veterans in your practice need frequent interaction with you, doctor, to understand your expectations and your opinion of their progress and performance.

A One-on-One sit-down meeting with each team member is an integral part of this process, and should be scheduled by the dentist or practice administrator. This is your opportunity to ask how employees see their career progressing, and to provide feedback about continued professional growth.

You might consider using a questionnaire similar to this:

Team Member Development

Please answer the following questions after giving them serious thought. We value your skills, talents, and contributions to the practice and to our patients' care. We want to know how you feel about your role here.

  • Name two or three things about which you feel most proud in your work.

  • What are two or three professional goals you would like to achieve or develop further? Are there new responsibilities you would like to take on?

  • What are the main challenges or problems you are now facing in your work?

  • What can I do to help handle or change these things?

  • What would help you feel more successful in your work?

  • Do you need additional training on some part of your job?

  • Which continuing education courses would you like to attend?
Appraiser comments:
  • Your most outstanding accomplishments since our last one-on-one discussion have been:

  • Two or three things I would like to see you take on are:

  • I will help you with:

As we have discussed, we will work together to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. We will meet again to assess progress in six months.

Team Member



To make this type of one-on-one discussion most productive, meet with a new team member twice: six months after beginning work and again in another six months as a follow-up. Thereafter, schedule an annual professional development meeting with each team member.

Discuss pay raises or any changes to compensation at a separate meeting. If team members know that a raise will be discussed during the professional development meeting, they might focus on that news rather than on goals, responsibilities, and professional growth.

Be sure to check out our Free Resources for Your Practice for additional insights, information, and practice management tips.

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