Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Believe it or not, even extremely successful people deal with uncertainty.  Observers of such achievers may think that every confident successful person moves full steam ahead, sure of himself or herself, navigating to avoid the currents of uncertainty without a ripple.  Not true!  The successful person just realizes that with each step forward uncertainty may seem overwhelming, but experience tells them that answers will be clear, opportunities will come.  They are not afraid to move out and then have to say, “I don’t know what comes next, but I’ll find out and adapt to it.”  They seek help when needed, and when counsel is received, they acknowledge it with humility.

These successful individuals measure success by the scoreboard, not by the playbook.  A winning coach enters each game with a plan, but is willing to change plans during the game in order to win.  A wise person once said, “Write your Vision in ink, but pencil in your Plans.”  Course correction mid-stream, meeting uncertainty head-on, is often necessary to reach one’s envisioned destination.

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