Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Have a VISION for your practice??  No?  Well, now’s the time to articulate what you want for and from you practice, both long-term and for 2012.  Too often we want to have every t crossed and every i dotted, every resource perfectly in place before we begin moving toward our VISION, our dreams, our goals.  Stagnation is often the result of such paralysis by analysis, such craving for perfection.

Consider this:  VISION doesn’t follow resources; resources follow VISION.  Remember the popular movie theme, “Build it and they will come”?  VISION allowed a baseball field to be built in an unlikely spot, and come??---Yes, fans came!

Another example of VISION FIRST:  a snail began his very slow climb up an apple tree one cold February day.  A friendly worm stuck his head out of the tree crevice where he lived and advised, “You’re wasting your time and energy.  There are no apples up there.”
The snail kept creeping upward as he replied, “No, but there will be by the time I get there.”

Commit your VISION for your practice to paper, move relentlessly toward it, and witness the rewards of your efforts.

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