Tuesday, February 4, 2014


A current American Dental Association survey on dentists’ income shows that in 2011, the most recent year for which total figures are available, median annual net income for General Practitioners varied from a low of $140,000 for those entering practice before 1970 to a high of $194,235 for those beginning practice between 1981-1990.  Dentists starting practice between 1991-2000 had reached a median of $180,000, while those in the 2001-2010 start-up years had reported a median annual net income of $160,000.
A similar survey conducted by the ADA in 2012 for 2011 showed median gross billings per hour by three categories:  General Practitioners - $356 per hour; Specialists - $488 per hour; All dentists - $$375 per hour.

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